

A Great Open Source Blogging Platform -Writing, Design, Advertising, Contact

Use the ODOO Blog to communicate additional information about your Company and your Products. Write Blog Posts and get in touch with visitors, translate content and manage Social Media. With the help of the Blog Module, your content is automatically indexed on Google and with a few clicks, you can translate content.


Write a Great Block PostMake prospects through on advanced marketing and your business alert by yourself

The Clean-Designed Blocks can place quickly via Drag and Drop are ideally suitable for content such as Images, Texts, Deals, Banner, u. V. M. With the In-line Processing Method, you need not to be a web designer.


Automated professionals Translations - Reach International Visitors Easily

Your Blog entries can be translated without any special software.

The "Translation on Demand" allows you to get benefit from Professional Translators.

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Connect with Your Visitors -Chat with your Visitors with a few clicks

The Integrated Live Chat Function allows you to chat in real time with your customers. Thus, you get feedback on your Blog Posts and can improve in the future and adapt to the needs and interests of your clients.

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Build Visitor Loyalty to -Social Media Integrated into ODOO

The "Follow" button will allow users to follow you and to get your blog entries automatically by mail. Built social media buttons to enable the sharing of blog posts.


Tweet and Comment

Thanks to the new features of the Blog module, your visitors can share selected excerpts of your blog posts on Twitter. Blog entries can be commented on.

Integration of Google Analytics -Track impact of your Blog entries

The Interaction with your visitors has never been easier. The SEO tools are ready for use from the beginning, It is no necessary of configuration. ODOO automatically generate keyword and suggestions, which are most often searched for on Google.

SEO optimized Blog entries -Pull New Visitors

The SEO tools can be used without pre-configuration. ODOO automatically makes suggestions for keywords in your titles. These proposals are based on the most searched terms on Google. Google Analytics tracks the interests of your visitors and create sitemaps for indexing on Google.


Designer-Friendly Templates -Make Beautiful Design Easily

Our templates are aesthetic and easy to design. You no need to be a web developer to create new pages, templates or building blocks. Clean HTML is used bootstrap and modularity allows you to easily publish your themes.

Simply assign User Rights - Customize Your Publishing Processes to your needs

Not everyone needs the same rights. Manage designer layout of the page, create the content copywriters and editors to publish content.