IT IS Odoo Preisliste

Preislistenauswahl und Anpassung an den Wechselkurs

Odoo CMS - a big picture

Price list functionality

Unser Odoo Preislisten Modul berücksichtigt Preislisten auch in manuellen Rechnungen und ermöglicht so kundenspezifische Preise. Weiterhin erfolgt die Preislistenkalkulation unabhängig von der Wechselkursberechnung.



  • Calculation of prices based on price list rules without impact of exchange rates

  • Considering price list rules in manually created invoices

  • Selection and change of price lists in invoices

  • Functionality of the exchange rates in the field of financial accounting remains according the Odoo standards


Price list calculation basic price

Calculation of the sales price based on the valid price list in Euro.


Foreign currency translation

Calculation of the sales price based on a fixed conversion formula, or a configured fixed price according to the general price list function. Conversion rule: basic price x defined conversion value.

The daily exchange rates from the standard functionality of Odoo are not considered with this App. Besides the standard functionality this module gives you the possibility to have consistent prices in international business. Due to this functionality, unsteady daily exchange rates do not affect your sales price of the product.


Price list Odoo

View of the configuration option for the price list functionality and exchange conversion.